bartending school – done

I finished school on Friday. I got a 94.5 on the exam and made 23 drinks during the speed drill. I only needed to make 16 drinks in 8 minutes to pass, but my goal was 30 so I’ll probably go in on my own time until I meet that goal. I highly recommend this school to anyone interested in bartending. They were awesome. Some of the other schools I have heard about don’t even come close to comparing with the education I received. My instructor’s name is Jerry and he is the best one there according to everyone I asked. He is the primary instructor. The school is run by a lovely 74 year old lady named Jeanne, whom I just adore now. She is there, dressed like a doll, every day they are open for the entire time they are open. She always has such a warm smile and lovely disposition, even though she is battling Parkinson’s disease. I have made it a side project now to investigate anything possible that might help alleviate her symptoms of that. She reminds me a lot of my own mother, with her endless energy, love and spirit. She runs an excellent bartending school. I highly recommend Professional Bartending School on Buford Highway in Atlanta to anyone considering this option.

I had a great time. I learned a lot. I’m so glad I did this.

anyone have any leads for me to check? lemme know if you run across a place with a cool vibe that needs a bartender. I’m so excited!!!

bartending school

On Monday I will start bartending school. They have job placement assistance. Everyone says not to go to school for it, because it won’t do any good, but since when do I let other people dictate what I will do?

I know me better than anyone. I appreciate formal training and education. I don’t want to bluff my way into anything and do a half-ass job until I can figure it out. I want to be aimed directly at my target. I went and checked out the school today and I got a great feeling there.

I’m excited about this. This is just one of many good things that are coming together for me right now.