parrots are funny

My two parrots were both just meowing and then laughing, as well as chattering a bit. I haven’t heard them do that in quite a while, since I had my house, actually, which was just over 5 years ago. They can be pretty funny. They sound just like the cats and the laughter is hilarious. I’d like it a lot if they would talk and make amusing sounds like this more and squawk and scream less. Hopefully this is evolving to be true.

Birthday dinner, movie and ice cream

J took me to dinner (at Atlantic Grill at Atlantic Station), to see a movie (we saw Deadpool) and to have ice cream (at Kilwin’s at Atlantic Station) for my birthday. They had a throne at Kilwin’s that is just like the throne that was given to me years ago that is now in storage. The movie was good. I don’t think I would see it again. He said he was seeing it for the 3rd time and that it was that good. I did enjoy it, but not enough for multiple times like he did, apparently. Dinner was good. I had trout with rice and some sweet potato side dish that was awesome. For ice cream, I chose Rum Raisin and Pumpkin Pie in a waffle cone. I couldn’t finish the ice cream and I brought the rest home. I didn’t get to blow out a candle this year. Does that mean I have to grant my own wishes?

note: journal entry added on 20160501 when I cleaned out my wallet and found the ticket stub

happy birthday

time and space follow cosmic purpose.
the planets and Sun align.
energy and information pursue the same path.
wave and particle are one.

in celebration,
karma and dharma reunite.
past, present and future disappear into
a vortex of pure potentiality
where wishes are granted.

through infinite love,
essence and hint merge into form.
dimensions and sounds dance.
shadows give way to light.
eternity balances on the pinnacle of a moment.

I am.

© Pina Rosana 2016

the last day of 40

I should be celebrating my birthday today, since I work all day and night tomorrow, but I just don’t feel great and I don’t have anything to do or anyone I want to do anything with. Today, for the first time in a while, I cried hard. It is cold and windy today for April. I tried to go for a run after my emotional outburst, on one of the most beautiful routes I know, but that didn’t cheer me up at all. I could barely do it. I went for a much shorter distance than I had planned. I was slow and it was difficult and unpleasant. Body and spirit are listless; mind is weary. If I tried to deny this misery, I would do it an injustice.
Winding down. My head hurts. I’m gonna take some vitamins.

the magic of the number 5

On Sunday I begin a new year of life. Another trip around the sun. I will be 41.
It is a 5 year, as the digits of my age total to 5.
5 has also been numerologically assigned to my full name.
I would have been conceived in my mother when she was the age that I am about to be.
It shall be a magical year.

5 represents something else very significant to me right now in that 5 years ago my life changed dramatically. I have been devoting my time to me and to healing and improving my world from what seemed like utter destruction since then. I have not dated during this time of 5 years. These years have been for me. I have evolved quite a lot.

I don’t have any way to celebrate on the day of my birthday, since I work all day, but I will craft a celebration for myself over the course of the month and I will dedicate a day specifically to celebrate. I will make myself aware of my gifts. I will give myself the awareness of the return of the wizard. My senses are heightening.

I am alive and a wizard exists within me.

“The wizard lives in a state of knowingness. This knowingness orchestrates its own fulfillment.”
~Deepak Chopra

never fails… so much for procrastination

I had planned to go for a trail run this morning, to make use of my newly purchased annual pass to the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area, to vary my workouts and introduce variety into my running routes, and to commune with nature. I had some slightly bothersome dreams last night, however, and wasn’t feeling great this morning. Depression about my upcoming anticlimactic birthday has gotten to me, as has the reminder that if all I earned at work ever was comparable to what I earned last night, I could not afford to pay bills enough to survive. I didn’t feel doing anything, I didn’t feel like running at all, much less driving 25 minutes to do it. So, I decided to lie down and procrastinate, knowing that I could just do the normal loop later in the day, before work tonight, to get it in.

I lied down and started playing Jumble on my phone. The very first puzzle included a reference to a 5 mile trail run. The very second puzzle was also about running. I decided to press on, figuring it was statistically improbable for yet another reminder to get out of bed and go for a run to surface via a Jumble puzzle at this point. A few puzzles in there was yet another one.

Ok, you win, world. I am amused… and I’m now getting dressed to go for a trail run. Thanks.

dating site

I am now on a dating site, as of yesterday. So far, I haven’t seen anyone on there who interests me. I have heard from one person whom has apparently found me of interest. I was going to immediately cancel it when I didn’t find anyone I liked on there right away, but I will give it a little while.