interesting dream last night – talking alligator gave me a swim ride

I was stuck in a swampy area and there were alligators in the water. Three of them were approaching me. I knew there was no way out of the situation. I decided to grab one by the mouth and talk to him. I told him I needed his help. To my surprise, he spoke back to me and agreed to give me a ride. I held on. There were little hands on him, one of which was human and which held my hand as he swam me to my destination. He looked like an alien and alligator all in one. The other two didn’t speak but they all swam together to escort me to my destination. It paid off to be brave and confront them and seek their assistance. Not sure what this means, but it was interesting. I haven’t had a dream of gators in a while.

in search of thermogenics… SlimFX

SlimFX by didn’t seem to do much for me. I took it today. I took one pill at first; it didn’t give me much energy. I attended a spinning class at noon this day. I didn’t have energy to work out after the class. I was tired and hungry and went home to take a nap afterwards. I went back to sleep. I took the other pill when I woke up again, a couple hours later, and was going to go to work. I didn’t have abundant energy, nor was my appetite particularly suppressed. The night prior I hadn’t gotten enough sleep and my digestion was sluggish. The day prior my digestion was also not working properly. There is a distinct correlation between the gut biome and general energy levels.

The hunt continues…