keybox of nothing useful

I have, for my entire life, had very revealing dreams that alert me to things that are going on in my extended world, but I can’t do anything about the insights that they show me. I’ve predicted deaths for certain since as early as 9 years old, I had at least one dream when I was still sleeping in the crib that I later learned was symbolic of things that happened during that time – I remember the dream very clearly still but I’m unsure of the exact circumstances and timeline afterwards because I was so young, I’ve been shown when I was being cheated in various ways on numerous occasions, and I’ve been informed of other external threats within my family and close circle throughout my life, but it’s always something that is out of my reach. It’s frustrating.

I woke up in a sweat after a dream that is sure to have been one of them. There is not a thing I can do about it though. I couldn’t get back to sleep afterwards and got barely 5 hours. I know, for sure, right now, that something is amiss and I know a few of the parameters. I don’t have all the details, but there is zero doubt. The dream had all of the indicators of a revelation. I’m really only sharing this as a placeholder.

It had to do with my Mom’s condo. Something is going on.

Post edit on 20201231 as I was looking through my old blog posts: This dream turned out to be the sign that I knew it was. There was a key in the dream to my Mom’s condo. I found out later that my brother had sold her condo without even mentioning it to me. If only my premonitory dreams could be a little more clear and give me some way to actually make use of them.