dream: prayer, shooting squad, immortal and unafraid I was

I just woke up from a very profound dream. I’m going to try to remember as much of it as I can.

First, Will from work was in the dream. I was asking him to give me a ride somewhere. He couldn’t right then. I had a car with lots of stuff in it and I was going to leave it at a building and get on a bus. I parked the car a couple times, but it kept moving backwards. This is not entirely sequential. There were others in this car with me. At some point I moved from the passenger seat to the driver’s seat. I managed to stay safe. I kept trying to keep the car from moving backwards, to stop it. It didn’t wreck or anything. It just wouldn’t sit still. Fade out from that. I ended up parking it at the wrong building. I got on the bus. Later I realized that the car was parked at the wrong spot.

I was escaping some bad people and I convinced them to pardon me if I helped them get people to come to their concert (music band). They, reluctantly, agreed.

Then there was the movie theater scene. I went to a movie theater with my date, who was actually Arnold Shwartzanaegger. I was cuddled with him in the theater. I’m not sure what the movie was.

Then again I was on some sort of vehicle. There were a bunch of others on this vehicle with me. It was flat, like a raft or something, and we were all sitting on it, but it was moving on the road. It was going too fast, though, and I knew it and so did the others. I realized that we were all doomed, so I started praying out loud. Another lady joined in me as I said Psalm (23?), the one with “I will fear no evil, for thou art with me” in it. After that, I said some other prayers as we continued on towards our doom. After going so fast down the road, we opened out into a clearing. We were all still strapped to that flat raft thing, but we were out in a field this time, in the middle of a firing squad. They were shooting at us from both sides. I could hear the gunshots and I could feel things hitting me on the both sides of my body. Nothing hurt in the dream and I was unafraid. I continued to pray. They fired and fired. I didn’t die.

I leaned up and began to ask them if they had said their prayers today. I was asking them in Spanish, as that was their native language. I heard some of them say to set me on fire to finish the job off. I continued to tell them to pray. Somebody put his gun in his mouth and blew his head off. It is important to note that through all of this, never did I actually see the red blood.

There was an Asian person as well among those who was trying to execute me. I grabbed him and looked at him and asked him what the Buddha would think of what he was doing.

People kept trying to kill me with guns. I never died. I wasn’t even hurt. I was never afraid and trying to wake myself up. It is like I was there for them and I knew my purpose was to be a messenger and a being of light. I remained, immortal, unharmed and unafraid, praying in the name of Jesus. I woke up softly, to no sound at all, as the dream faded out.

prophetic dreams, Butterfinger DD

I’m writing this a day later. I’m going to change the date in the post to reflect the day the dream occurred. The time may be off. I’m setting the time for yesterday morning but I didn’t find out some of this information until work last night.

I had trouble sleeping last night. When I dreamed, there was a bunch of little Butterfinger candy bars in my dream.

At work that night I found out that DD had gone to a party and gotten really drunk. The cake at the party was made with Butterfinger candy bars.