
I took one Burn-HC when I woke up today. It seems to work ok for slight energy and clarity without making me feel miserable. These double shifts and long hours are so brutal.  I was still able to take a brief nap between shifts. It actually made me feel pretty good. I like this one.

in search of thermogenics… SlimFX

SlimFX by didn’t seem to do much for me. I took it today. I took one pill at first; it didn’t give me much energy. I attended a spinning class at noon this day. I didn’t have energy to work out after the class. I was tired and hungry and went home to take a nap afterwards. I went back to sleep. I took the other pill when I woke up again, a couple hours later, and was going to go to work. I didn’t have abundant energy, nor was my appetite particularly suppressed. The night prior I hadn’t gotten enough sleep and my digestion was sluggish. The day prior my digestion was also not working properly. There is a distinct correlation between the gut biome and general energy levels.

The hunt continues…