Run With the Whisperer

It’s a beautiful morning here in Atlanta and I feel like I’ve returned to balance after a Sunday with my shadow self. The air is crisp, the Sun is mild, and the leaves are beautiful. It was in the upper 40s and now it is 53; there is a light breeze. This is my perfect weather. I love my city.

The whisperer spoke to me on my run this morning, three distinct times.

  • Always call the Devil’s bluff.
  • Be genuine and live in integrity and you will never know regret.
  • The faster you are moving, the more clear your line of sight needs to be.

I feel inspired and grateful for our moments together. Thank you for blessing me and strengthening my spirit. Thank you for my thoughts from the run, when we move as one. That will always be our time together. Blessed be.

the muses favor the broken

People who have been broken before are always so beautiful. I’m drawn to them. Those who have been ripped to shreds emotionally and are yet unafraid to expose their soul again. People who will tell you how they feel, with their voice, and their words, and their eyes, and their hearts open wide. I see you. I cannot stop seeing you. You breathe life into me and remind me why I am here. I know you, even when I barely know you. I feel you. Thank you for existing and for being who you are. You are bringing me home.

The muses have returned. The broken have brought them.
