renaming my African Grey to Jahzara Chiku

I think she wanted a different name. It has to be 2 names. My Senegal, Ziggy Stardust (Ziggy Star is what I usually call him), I named after bringing him home to me and watching him. My Senegal, however, I named when I was still visiting her at the pet store as a hatchling. I think the name Jessie Bella, or sometimes Jessie Belle, is maybe not what she wants to be called. Since she is an African Grey, I thought she might appreciate something that reminds her of home, so, when I mentioned my decision to Tommy, we looked online for some African names and found the following, which I really like. So, her new name is Jahzara Chiku.
Jahzara (jah – ZAH – rah) Blessed princess (Ethiopia)
CHIKU Chatterer (Swahili)