Rats on the farm

Bizarre dream last night. I was in my grandpa’s old farm in Ohio with my brother.  I was looking around and remembering how cool it was and realized I didn’t have any photos of it so I started taking pictures with my phone. I walked into another room to take more pictures and the lights went off and then rats started jumping on me. I was pulling them off, with difficulty, only to have another one jump on me again. This became so frantic that I woke myself up. It was cool to see the farm but the other stuff was so unsettling. I wonder what the next week will bring.

back at the gym

yesterday I decided to start actually *going* to the gym again, instead of just working out at home.

Workout was 45 minutes of cardio, followed by an hour of strength (legs, back and biceps). I had to answer someone’s question about how much I could curl – as of now, 40 lbs. for reps, 50 lbs. for strength (barbell, not dumbell, of course, I’m not _that_ much of a brute, yet)

Then I went dancing.

I’m so sore. I need more protein.