had a couple good dives last weekend – high five!

Last weekend I went to North Florida on Saturday morning and came back home on Monday night. Monday was a holiday.

On Saturday I had a nice 16 mile run in beautiful North Florida weather instead of freezing and windy Atlanta weather.

Then I got to spend some time getting to know a very cool guy a little better. High Five! 😉

On Sunday I had an amazing cave dive at Little River. The water level was up to the third step and I didn’t think the flow was too bad. We took a left jump to the Mudtunnel and then another left jump to the Shortcut, then continued left and then right in to the Florida Room.

Little River – mudtunnel and shortcut

We turned just before 1400′, at 40 minutes. I got a cool photo of the dive as well, thanks to my guide.


On Monday I had a nice early morning run and then I got to cave dive at a new place, Hart Springs – from the Black Lagoon. There is a lot of flow there and it’s a little spooky getting in, due to not much viz in the basin and dropping down into a cold fissure. The cave is beautiful though, with white walls and goethite on the bottom. We turned at 42 minutes, I think he said just before 1200′. On the way back up I noticed the alien creature on the line. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it. It made me smile.

It was an amazing weekend and was just what I needed. I’m very thankful.

shrouded doomkitten

I painted over my leather jacket. Doomkitten’s image had been slowly eroding away and it was causing me sorrow to watch. I painted over her with black leather acrylic paint. How readily she vanished, like magic; she had been waiting to go. Only after having done so did I realize that I’m not even sure if a picture of her exists. Alas, it is too late now and closure was long overdue.

My leather jacket has been painted twice, both by the same person. That person is no longer a part of my life, nor will he ever be again. I had thought I might get something else painted on the back to take her place, and the place of the gargoyle who had lived there before, but now I am thinking better of it. I shall shroud the past in darkness, as it should be.

Doomkitten lives on, beyond the veil. The muse from which she spawn is barely a memory.

Shame I didn’t take a photo first. Perhaps one exists and I’ve forgotten about it and will find it one day.

But… I know what she looks like and I always will.