Total Miles Ran in 2017

I totaled up all of my running miles for 2017 from Garmin Connect today, since I won’t run again now until the 1st of January.  I ran 1744.46 miles this year.

In 2016, I ran 1418.62 miles.  But, the last two months of the year I had mostly taken off because of having had to help my Mom clean out the house.  Those months would’ve been higher mileage months.

In 2015, I ran 1587.49 miles.

I don’t have complete data for 2014, since I didn’t get a Garmin until October, but I am sure it was significantly fewer.

I wonder what my total for 2018 will be?



too bad it is not a Mighty enough battery for a full marathon

I decided to test the battery life of the Mighty (Spotify music player) today on my long run. It lasted 2 hours and 48 minutes. The website said “up to 5 hours battery life.” I guess I will have to test it in different temperatures for a more comprehensive assessment of battery capacity, but I now know the results for 45 degree weather. Thankfully, when it died, I only had a mile left of my 18 mile run. I guess it isn’t mighty enough for a full marathon, which is a bummer, but it will get me through the first 10 weeks of training for one, and will work just fine for any run except my long run. Many of my long runs are with a group anyway and I don’t wear headphones for those, but it would’ve been very nice to be able to use it on race day. Slightly bummed. Maybe they will release a firmware update that is able to somehow extend the battery life. One can hope.

out and back

I find an out and back run so stabilizing. I run away, as far as I want, and then I just simply turn around and come back home.

It’s a different feel than a loop.  As I run away I am leaving my problems behind, pushing myself beyond them, getting away.  Not having any turns to concern myself with frees my mind from the route and leaves it all just to my body.  Eventually I turn around and go home, eagerly now, knowing I have taken it all away and am bringing just myself back home.  It is liberating and soothing.  It is a cleanse.